03 5442 1888 93 Myrtle Street Bendigo

We spend the time doing a personal treatment plan and make sure you understand every stage in creating your new denture. In most cases we can try your new denture in to check the feel and look and make sure it’s “you” and if needed make any adjustments, before your new dentures are finished.

Implant Retained Dentures

A possible solution for loose dentures.


Are you concerned about your dentures dropping or moving during function? If so, we offer several different implant retained denture solutions for upper & lower jaws that may be suitable for you.

Peter will work together with a dentist or dental specialist in creating a treatment plan to provide the best possible dental option and outcome. 

Please note: Diagnostic scans and tests will need to be done to asses your suitability for dental implants as they are not a treatment suited to every person.

Implants are surgically placed by a dentist or dental specialist and can help support both full or partial dentures. A consultation is needed with a dentist or dental specialist to discuss the advantages and any disadvantages that may be related to your personal situation. Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.  


If you are interested in obtaining more information please ask Peter on your first visit.